Privacy Policy

With the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, and the amendments made to Legislative Decree No 196 of 30 June 2003 by Legislative Decree No 101 of 10 August 2018, the Ministry of the Interior, in its capacity as controller of the processing of personal data resulting from consultation of the pages of the portal, has put in place technical and organisational measures to ensure that such data processing complies with the rules and principles of the current legal framework.

The information provided on this page pursuant to Article 12 of the Regulation complies with and refers to Article 13 (Information to be provided where personal data are collected from the data subject) and Article 14 (Information to be provided where personal data have not been obtained from the data subject) thereof. This privacy policy refers only to the processing of personal data resulting from the consultation of the portal and not from the consultation of other websites, web pages or online services that can be accessed through links published on this portal.



The controller is the Ministry of the Interior, Piazza del Viminale 1, 00184 Rome, Italy, switchboard number: 06 4651, certified email:


Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted at the following addresses:


Legal basis for the processing

The Ministry of the Interior processes personal data in the performance of its public interest tasks and in any case in the exercise of its public powers.


Types of data processed and purposes of the processing

Web browsing data

The computer systems and software procedures necessary for operation of the portal acquire certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers and terminals used by users, the URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained, a numeric code indicating the status of the server’s response (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment.

These data, which are necessary to access the web services, are also processed to obtain statistical information on the use of the services (most visited pages, number of hourly or daily visitors, etc.) and monitor their proper functioning.


Data provided by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages to the Ministry’s contact addresses published on the portal, as well as the filling in and sending of the forms available on the portal, involve the acquisition of the sender’s contact details necessary for replying and of the personal data contained in the message.


Rights of data subjects

Data subjects have the right to obtain from the Ministry, in the cases provided for in the Regulation, access to, rectification or erasure of their personal data or restriction of processing concerning them, or to object to such processing, in accordance with Articles 15-22 of the Regulation. Such requests must be made to the Data Controller at the following addresses:


Communication of a personal data breach

Where a personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, such a breach is to be communicated to the data subject without undue delay, in accordance with Article 34 of the Regulation.



Right to lodge a complaint

Any data subjects who consider that the processing of their personal data following consultation of the portal infringes the Regulation has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisor, in its capacity as national supervisory authority (Article 77), or to seek judicial remedy (Article 79).


Cookie policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small set of data that is sent from the web server to the user’s browser and stored by the browser on the user’s device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, or others) and which can be read or later retrieved by the server itself. Cookies allow the web portal to store some useful information within a session or for subsequent access by the user.

Does this portal use cookies?

Yes. Cookies are used to improve the website and to provide services and functionalities to users. You can restrict or disable the use of cookies via your web browser. However, if you do so, some functionalities may also be disabled.

What are cookies for?

Cookies can be used for various purposes. In some parts of the portal, cookies are essential and without them, for example, you would be unable to browse the site correctly.
Elsewhere in the portal, cookies are used to obtain useful information so as to provide specific services; moreover, some external (third-party) providers may need to install special cookies on the user’s browser to provide their services.

What types of cookies are used in this portal?

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are used for the sole purpose of ‘sending a message over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary to an information society service provider explicitly asked by the subscriber or user to provide that service’ (Article 122(1) of the Italian Personal Data Protection Code). These cookies are not used for any other purposes and are normally installed directly by the website owner or operator. They may be divided into:

HTTP cookies (browser cookies)

These cookies are used to record on the user’s computer useful data for the normal navigation and use of the site (for example, they can store the preferred page size in a list). These cookies can be further distinguished according to their persistence on the user’s computer into:

  • session cookies, which are automatically deleted when you quit your browser;
  • persistent cookies, which have a longer life.

Functionality cookies

These cookies allow the portal to remember the choices made by the user to optimise the site’s functionalities. For example, functionality cookies make it possible to remember specific user settings, such as country selection and, if set, permanent access status.

Third-party cookies

Some functionalities are provided using the services of third parties, which are listed below.

These services produce cookies that are linked to services provided by third parties. The third party provides these services in exchange for information about the user’s visit to our portal. This means that third-party cookie providers must also comply with the applicable legislation. For this reason, you should consult the links to the third-party websites, where you can find their cookie consent forms and cookie policy. If the services are provided via indirect contacts with the third parties, you will need to consult the websites of the intermediaries between us and the third parties:

  • Analytics cookies: this website uses an additional data collection system run by Web Analytics Italia (WAI) as part of the website services published on the YourEurope Portal to provide the European Union with user access statistics. The information collected by this type of cookies is also anonymous and does not allow the user to be identified in any way, since WAI anonymises users’ IP address by default.   Read WAI’s privacy policy. These cookies do not require the user’s prior consent in order to be installed and used.

How can I deactivate or remove cookies?

Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can set your browser not to accept them, automatically or upon request. We do not recommend blocking cookies, since normal navigation might be affected and some or all of the functionalities of some websites might not work. If you do not want your computer to accept and store cookies, you can change your browser’s privacy settings.

We provide below the links to the most popular browsers: